Utilizing AI for Marketing and Creativity - Learn How!

Harnessing the power of AI not just to grow your business, but to slice through the noise, reclaim your precious time, and outmaneuver the competition effortlessly.

Nearly half of small businesses have incorporated these tools. Are you curious how AI can become your strategic advantage?

Sign up for our Introduction To AI and ChatGPT training today.

Feeling uncertain about dipping your toes into the AI pool for your marketing efforts? Wondering where exactly AI fits into your business strategy?

Say hello to our trusty Chat Bot, poised to whisk you through a quick but insightful Marketing Audit. Our Bot will ask you questions and based on your information, we will deliver our recommendations directly to your inbox!

Is keeping up with marketing trends important to you?

We offer an Introduction to AI and ChatGPT for
Small Business Owners and Marketing Professionals

In just over a year, the digital landscape has shifted beneath our feet, and AI tools like ChatGPT are leading the charge. Our agency quickly adopted a number of these tools and we’ve seen firsthand how AI isn’t just changing the game—it’s creating a whole new playbook.

This isn’t about lofty theories or complex algorithms; it’s about real, actionable ways AI can amplify your brand, connect with your audience more deeply, and greatly increase creativity in marketing efforts. Watch and listen to Maureen Kerr of Cove Consulting explain (or skip ahead to the survey, below):

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Ready to learn more? Fill out this quick survey so we can see where your marketing currently is. Once you do, you'll receive recommendations on how AI can boost your marketing strategy, as well as a complimentary call to see how AI and/or ChatGPT can benefit your business specifically.

Yes, the marketing survey is a chatbot... that we've trained. We can't wait to tell you about it!

We'll examine YOUR current strategy, spot opportunities for AI, and show you potential gains. You can book a call to go over it. If you are a great candidate for using AI or ChatGPT, I may try to sell you on a training session 🙂

Client Testimonials

I have so many ideas- and now the skills- to dive deeper into AI and leverage it to boost my productivity and profits with my agency work! Thank you! I don't feel intimidated at all anymore!

Maureen taught me how to use ChatGPT to help with projects that I usually don’t like to do, like a business plan or a board presentation - complete with graphics….Wow!

She introduced me to ChatGPT, which has been a game-changer for my content creation. Maureen's suggestions for prompts and marketing strategy took my content to the next level.

I highly recommend Maureen Kerr for ChatGPT training and consulting. She is extremely knowledgeable in how to leverage ChatGPT in your business. I learned the fundamentals of ChatGPT from her. We then engaged Maureen to help us with a business improvement project using ChatGPT. Her consulting with ChatGPT helped us realise how ai can make our company so much more productive.

If you are interested in learning more about ChatGPT (which you should be!), Maureen can train you and help you start using it immediately to improve your productivity. Her training and consulting is invaluable.

Maureen has been a great help with Agyle. Always delivers on-time, does not pull punches and has a great eye for details. We have some exciting projects being released soon and I cant say enough about how impressed I have been with her approach and deliverables. She has also been instrumental in helping me cross the chasm and utilize the power of Chat GPT. The learning program she has created, which is as dedicated to your business as you want it to be, was impressive and actionable.

I would highly recommend reaching out to Maureen and utilizing her significant experience and innovative thinking to help your business as well. Thanks Maureen - I look forward to more opportunities to work together in the future!

Ready to Learn?

We've been collecting, testing and curating ChatGPT and AI business training content for over a year and can share with you recommendations for using AI in your marketing strategies. Did you fill out the survey yet?

Unlock the Power of AI for Your Business

At Cove Consulting, our mission is to build lasting partnerships. We have clients who’ve trusted us for over a decade to prove that. Explore our success stories on LinkedIn, Facebook, and our expertise in WordPress website design and marketing services at coveconsulting.ca.

In the last year, businesses like yours and ours have been transformed by AI and at Cove Consulting, we haven’t just adapted to these new digital trends—we want to share them, ensuring your marketing strategy not only meets but exceeds the demands of the modern market.

Click here to learn about our rates.

Contact us directly about group ChatGPT and AI business training. 

Frequently Asked Questions

A: Our ChatGPT training is specifically designed for small business owners and marketing professionals over 50, focusing on demystifying AI and showcasing practical, real-world applications. Unlike generic workshops, our sessions are tailored to the unique needs of mature businesses seeking to integrate cutting-edge AI marketing strategies.

A: Absolutely. Entrepreneurs, especially those managing small to medium-sized businesses, can see significant benefits from our AI marketing workshops. These sessions provide insights into leveraging AI tools like ChatGPT to enhance customer engagement, streamline marketing operations, and drive business growth efficiently.

A: Our one-on-one consultations offer personalized guidance on integrating AI into your marketing strategy. During these sessions, you’ll work directly with AI marketing experts to identify opportunities for leveraging AI tools, including ChatGPT, to achieve your specific business goals, ensuring a strategy that’s both effective and manageable. Our goal is for you to receive thousands of dollars of value in this session.

A: Our group training sessions cover a wide range of topics, including the basics of AI and ChatGPT, how to integrate AI tools into your digital marketing efforts, personalizing customer experiences through AI, and analyzing and acting on AI-driven insights. These workshops are ideal for marketing teams, entrepreneurs, consultants, etc, looking to collectively upgrade their digital marketing skills.

A: No prerequisites are required for the complimentary AI marketing audit. It’s designed for business owners and marketing professionals interested in understanding how AI can enhance their marketing strategies. The audit is a great starting point for anyone looking to explore the potential of AI without any commitment.

A: While results can vary based on several factors, many clients begin to see improvements in their marketing efforts immediately after implementing the strategies discussed in our training. The key is consistent application and optimization of AI tools and techniques learned during the sessions.

Download Your Free Guide

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